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Qualitative-heuristic Psychology and Social Research Hamburg Qualitative Heuristic |
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If you read German please also consult the German version of our homepage http://www.introspektion-hamburg.net for the method of introspection, particularly for publications between 1982 and 2000. The following references are grouped under the headings:
Kleining, Gerhard (1982). An outline for the methodology of qualitative social research. Hamburg: University of Hamburg. http://www.heuristik-hamburg.net/html/KleiningEng1982.html. Retrieved Oct. 11, 2003. Kleining, Gerhard (2009). How is critical social research possible? Translated by James Heath. http://heuristik-hamburg.net/Kritik_Heath.pdf Kleining, Gerhard (2018). The emerge of Theory in qualitative heuristics. Research paper. http://heuristik-hamburg.net/TheEmergeOfTheoryInQualitativeHeuristics.pdf Kleining, Gerhard & Witt, Harald (2000). The qualitative heuristic approach: a methodology for discovery in psychology and the social sciences. Rediscovering the method of introspection as an example [19 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Social Research [Online journal], 1 (1): http://www.qualitative-research.net/fqs-texte/1-00/1-00kleiningwitt-e.htm . Retrieved June 6, 2003. Kleining, Gerhard & Witt, Harald (2000). Introspection as a research tool for an explorative psychology. Paper prepared for the workshop “Qualitative research in psychology” Blaubeuren, October 20-22, 2000: http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/qualitative-psychologie/t-ws0/19-Kleining-Witt.htm. Retrieved Oct. 11, 2003. Kleining, Gerhard & Witt, Harald (2000). Discovery vs. interpretation as the basic methodology of Social Science Research. Paper presented at the Fifth International Conference on Logic and Methodology, Cologne, Session 'The Future of Qualitative Methods II', October 3-6, 2000. Not published. Kleining, Gerhard & Witt, Harald (2001). Discovery as basic methodology of quantitative and qualitative research [81 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Social Research [On-line journal], 2 (1),http://www.qualitative-research.net/fqs-texte/1-01/1-01kleiningwitt-e.htm. Retrieved June 6, 2003. Witt, Harald (2000). Strategies in qualitative and quantitative research. In Forum Qualitative Social Research [On Line Journal]: http://www.qualitative-research.net/fqs-texte/1-01/1-01witt-e.htm. Retrieved June 6, 2003. Kleining, Gerhard; Burkart, Thomas & Mayer, Peter (2000): Roles of researchers in introspective psychology. Papers by Kleining & Mayer [18 paragraphs] and by Burkart [20 paragraphs] prepared for the workshop “Roles of the researcher in qualitative psychology”, Blaubeuren, October 19-21, 2000. http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/qualitative-psychologie/t-ws01/KleiningCO_en.htm. Retrieved Oct. 11, 2003. Kleining, Gerhard & Mayer, Peter (2001). Roles of researchers in historical introspective psychology. In Kiegelmann, Mechthild (Ed.), The role of the researcher in qualitative Psychology (pp. 99-107). Schwangau: Ingeborg Huber. Note: for the historical perspective of heuristic research please consult the German version of our homepage http://www.heuristik-hamburg.net. Cox, Lawrence (1995): Discovery and Dialectics – Gerhard Kleining's methodology of qualitative research. In Tormey, Roland; Good, Anne & Mac Keogh, Carol (Eds.), New directions for research methodologies. Dublin/Ireland: Trinity College, Department of Sociology. http://www.iol.ie/~mazzoldi/toolsforchange/postmet/method.html. Retrieved Oct. 10, 2003. Burkart, Thomas (2001). The role of the researcher in group-based dialogic introspection. In Kiegelmann, Mechthild (Ed.), The role of the researcher in qualitative Psychology (pp. 91-98). Schwangau: Ingeborg Huber. Kleining, Gerhard (2002): An experiment demonstrating group-based dialogic introspection. In Kiegelmann, Mechthild (Ed.), The role of the researcher in qualitative psychology (pp. 207-212). Schwangau: Ingeborg Huber. Kleining, Gerhard (2003). A text as seen from an heuristic point of view. In Kiegelmann, Mechthild (Ed.), Qualitative Psychology Nexus 3. Schwangau: Ingeborg Huber. Forthcoming. Note: Qualitative heuristic research, besides a different methodological approach to generally used qualitative methods, applies a number of new methods – see the German version of our homepage http://www.heuristik-hamburg.net on “Methods”, notably the “Qualitative Experiment” and the “Receptive Interview”, to which meanwhile German textbooks also refer, and the heuristic approach to text analysis. The method of Group Based Dialogic Introspection was developed by the Hamburg Group – see http://www.introspektion-hamburg.net. Note: There is a large number of applications of the method of qualitative heuristic research in psychology and the social sciences dealing with most varied topics, until ca. 2000 in German language. The more recent research also includes English texts, but happens to concentrate on the method of Dialogic Introspection. For the time being, the heuristic approach best is demonstrated by an analysis of a Cervantes' text in Spanish, involving English and German translations. Burkart, Thomas (2003). A qualitative-heuristic study of feeling. In Kiegelmann, Mechthild (Ed.), Qualitative Psychology Nexus III. Schwangau: Ingeborg Huber. Forthcoming. Kleining, Gerhard (2002). The qualitative-heuristic method of text analysis. Don Quixote, chapter 1. [9 paragraphs]. Paper prepared for the workshop “Research questions and matching methods of analysis”, Perlora/Spain October 25-27, 2002. www.uni-tuebingen.de/qualiative-psychologie/t-ws02/paperkurz/kleining.pdf. Retrieved Oct. 11, 2003. Kleining, Gerhard (2003): The qualitative-heuristic method of text analysis. Cervantes' Don Quixote chapter one as an example. In Kiegelmann, Mechthild (Ed.), Qualitative Psychology Nexus III. Schwangau: Ingeborg Huber. Forthcoming. Kleining, Gerhard & Burkart, Thomas (2001). Group-based dialogic introspection and its use in qualitative media research. In Kiegelmann, Mechthild (Ed.), Qualitative Research in Psychology (pp. 217-239). Schwangau: Ingeborg Huber. Kleining, Gerhard (1994). The Reification of Dialogue. In Gerhard Kleining, Qualitativ-heuristische Sozialforschung. Schriften zur Theorie und Praxis. [Qualitative-heuristic social Research. Papers on Theory and Praxis]. (pp 230-260). Hamburg: Fechner. http://heuristik-hamburg.net/The_Reification_of_Dialogue.pdf